CEO Post: Voyantis has officially launched!
Ido Wiesenberg

CEO Post: Voyantis has officially launched!

Ido Wiesenberg

I sat for a long time, trying to figure out the best set of words to describe how I am feeling at the moment. After two years of research, planning, hiring, developing, fine-tuning, etc—Voyantis has officially launched, with $19M in seed funding, and I’m ecstatic. Most of all, I’m grateful to everyone who made it possible for me, my partner Eran Friendinger, and my dedicated team to reach this milestone.

I would like to share our story and vision.

Our backstory

Eran and I founded Voyantis in the middle of 2020. We spoke with dozens of growth leaders, to get a full grasp of their pain points and needs, which collectively helped solidify our vision to help marketing and growth teams shift to healthy unit economics, as we understood that growth at any cost will not be sustainable for long.

Recent changes in privacy caused many shifts taking place within the growth marketing realm, such as GDPR in 2018, iOS 14.5, Facebook’s deprecation of the AMM program, Google’s declaration of a cookie-less era in 2023, and more. By extension, that led to shifts in strategies as well. Companies went from growth at any cost to profitable growth, from looking at CAC to switching to LTV/CAC—and it was all to make sure that the right users were being acquired. Growth teams had plenty of martech solutions at their disposal, but they needed a unique technology to help them activate in the era of privacy. 

After we went through our validation process, we realized that we needed to create an AI-powered platform that would help growth and marketing teams understand the true value of each user, while aiming to attract and retain the most valuable of users. As companies were facing difficulties in analyzing and utilizing their internal data to active growth, we realized that such a tool would make it possible for them to make the shift to get on the path to profitability.

This shift was also about switching from retrospecting, to futurespecting data. From a traditional standpoint, major decisions are made based on historical data and naive assumptions. We want to enable AI-powered actions that leverage predictions for all growth aspects—from user acquisition and remarketing, to measurement, to activation, to lifecycle marketing.

We are grateful for Voyantis’ growth

Eran and I raised $19M in seed funding from an amazing lineup of investors. My gratitude towards each of them, for understanding and trusting our vision, knows no bounds.

Voyantis’ codeless platform allows marketing and growth teams to shift to LTV-based growth, by seamlessly integrating into their data, and predicting users' future value and intent. Those predictions can be used to support:

  • Adjustment of bids according to predictions
  • Optimized budget allocation, across channels and campaigns
  • Acquisition of high-value users at scale by feeding ad networks with predictive signals
  • Fueling and optimization of channel campaigns using predictive audiences

Not only has our product grown—our team grew from ten, to over 50 team members in the past year. (Here’s the link to our careers page 😉)

I’m grateful for each team member that has been a part of this ride, and grateful for future team members who will be a part of the continued journey. We are also thankful for our customers, which include Notion, Miro, Ipsy, and others. It is an honor to have been chosen and trusted by them, well before our launch. We raise our glasses to one and all, for a continued fruitful relationship of scalable growth, and profitability. 🥂🥂🥂

Thank you!
