case study

A Notion of success: Voyantis helped Notion gain 38% ROAS on their Google ad campaigns without spending another dime.

case study
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Notion, is a productivity and note-taking service. Notion's 'try before you buy' freemium model extends the path to becoming a paying user, often stretching over several weeks.


Initially, Notion relied on sign-ups as a proxy KPI for Google campaigns, which was suboptimal due to its weak correlation with the ultimate goal: conversion to a paying user.


Notion implemented Voyantis' value prediction, integrating it with Google's value-based bidding to predict the likelihood of free users converting to paid subscribers.


Notion experienced a 38% boost in its predicted 6-month ROAS and a 21% uptick in customer activation.

“Conversion to paid users was very hard to measure. We knew we drove users but the causal relationship to paid users wasn’t clear. It was hard to feed google back with relevant inputs”
Fabien David
Fabien David
Performance Marketing Manager @

The Challenge

Your funnel without Voyantis

Your funnel with Voyantis

Your funnel without Voyantis
Your funnel with Voyantis

Notion's freemium model leads to a prolonged conversion timeline, with transitions to paying customers taking from a few weeks up to several months.


Notion focused its campaign strategies on early-funnel events like sign-ups due to their immediate trackability.


Relying on sign-up metrics for optimization proved suboptimal as it didn't accurately indicate the user's likelihood to convert into a paying customer.


Notion aimed to transition to value-based bidding, utilizing predictions to guide Google algorithms towards targeting higher-value customers.

The Pilot

  1. Notion set up an experiment on Google with two non-search campaigns, each having the same budget cap.
  2. The control group focused on cost, using tCPA optimization for sign-ups, while the Voyantis experiment group focused on optimizing for the likelihood of conversion to a paying user, based on predictions from Voyantis' AI models.
“It wasn’t just easy to work with Voyantis’ signal optimization solution, it generated great results too. We saw a 21% increase in team activation rate and a 38% predicted 6-month increase in ROAS”.
Fabien David
Fabien David
Performance Marketing Manager @

How does it work

Data Processing  & AI prediction model

Voyantis created custom prediction models to generate conversion prediction based on Notion’s anonymized data.

Privacy First

Voyantis' AI engine analyzes Notion's unique customer behaviors and attributes, correlating them with conversion trends to construct a specialized prediction model designed exclusively for Notion.

Google and Meta Orchestration

Predictions at the user level, are fed to Google using Google’s server API enabling Google to optimize campaigns for tROAS using value based bidding.

Quality Verification

The model is constantly tested and verified by the Voyantis AI engine to generate the highest accuracy of future predictions and adapt for future upgrades of the Google algorithms.


The Impact

The results of the pilot clearly indicate the advantage using value predictions for improving campaigns outcomes.


ROAS Uplift


Growth Improvements

ROAS Increase: Notion saw 21% increase in team activations, and 38% increase in predicted 6-months ROAS, all while keeping the same overall campaign budget.

Cost efficiency

Notion significantly lowered the cost of acquiring paying customers, maximizing earnings without expanding the budget.

The Right Customer

Beyond the 21% increase in team activations, Notion attracted higher-value customers, evident by a 35% rise in accounts with more than three users.

New team activation
Acquisition Cost Per Paying Customer
Customers with +3 users
“Here at Notion we’re excited to continue our partnership with Voyantis as we expand our growth strategy”
Fabien David
Fabien David
Performance Marketing Manager @

Your Data, Our AI 

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